F) How to Spin up a fresh WordPress installation effortlessly

JungleWP makes it easy to create automatically a WordPress website from your control panel, or manually install an existing one onto your server using SFTP. 

Create a WordPress website

  1. After you have created a Pod User click Create Website in your Control Panel under "Website Management" > "Create website". 

    Give your website a friendly unique name and enter your site's domain just like in the screen below.

  2. Select "WordPress" from the "Frameworks" selection field.
  3. Fill in your WordPress information
  4. You may also select the Pod User (System User) you want to run this website. 
  5. Select the PHP version and the Pod you want this app to be on .

    1- For increased performance and security always select the latest PHP versions

    2- Please also note that when choosing a WordPress site title long text or special characters may result in an incomplete installation forcing you to re-enter the same information later on on when visiting your site. We recommend using short titles like "My Awesome Business"

Create an empty website for manual install or migration

Let's create an empty space so you can manually install your website onto your server using SFTP.

  1. After you create a Pod User click Create Website in your Control Panel under "Website Management" > "Create website". 

  2. Give your website a friendly unique name and enter your site's domain just like in the screen below. 
  3. Select "empty" from the "Frameworks" selection field.
  4. You may also select the Pod User (System User) you want to run this website. 
  5. Select the PHP version and the Pod you want this app to be on.

    (For increased performance and security always select the latest PHP versions)

  6. Before we can start transferring your existing site, we highly advise that you create a database, You will find the related article bellow this page to learn more about this step. Note that this step is only recommended for "empty" sites.

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