C) How to deploy your Pod
What's a Pod ?
In order to create or migrate a WordPress site on JungleWP, you need a dedicated server. It is your Pod.
Deploy a Pod
- You will find Your Pod deployment form in your Control Panel under "Pod Management" > "Deploy Pod".
Fill in the form with your information just like in the following example:
- For the field "Region", we recommend you choose the closest region to your website's visitors.
- For the field "subscription plan", make sure to select the plan you have just purchased, under which you want to deploy your Pod.Wait for the email notification " Your Pod is deployed!", to move on with your site deployment.
Pod Automatic Provisioning
- Wait for The Pod to be installed and ready to be used to check your Pod's installation status click on "Pod Management" > "Pod Info".
You should see a status alert:
When the Pod's installation is complete you should see a similar display with Service Status: Active: