C) How to deploy your Pod

What's a Pod ?

In order to create or migrate a WordPress site on JungleWP, you need a dedicated server. It is your  Pod.

Deploy a Pod

  1. You will find Your Pod deployment form in your Control Panel under "Pod Management" > "Deploy Pod".

  2. Fill in the form with your information just like in the following example:


  • For the field "Region", we recommend you choose the closest region to your website's visitors.
  • For the field "subscription plan", make sure to select the plan you have just purchased, under which you want to deploy your Pod.Wait for the email notification " Your Pod is deployed!", to move on with your site deployment.

Pod Automatic Provisioning

  1. Wait for The Pod to be installed and ready to be used to check your Pod's installation status click on "Pod Management" > "Pod Info".
    You should see a status alert:

  2. When the Pod's installation is complete you should see a similar display with Service Status: Active:

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